
An element which allows to display any given View as a popup window. Once a Popup has been created, it can be displayed by using its Show() method. The ShowPopup() function simplifies this process by creating and showing the popup in one step. To close a popup window the Dismiss() method of the Popup interface has been used

Create from source

func NewPopup(view View, param Params) Popup

Creates a new Popup and return its interface

func ShowPopup(view View, param Params) Popup

Creates a new Popup and show it

Interface description


Closes popup

Session() Session

Returns current client session


Displays popup

View() View

Returns content view of the popup



Add an arrow to popup. Default value is "none"

Constant: Arrow

Types: int, string


int string Description
0(NoneArrow) "none" No arrow
1(TopArrow) "top" Arrow at the top side of the pop-up window
2(RightArrow) "right" Arrow on the right side of the pop-up window
3(BottomArrow) "bottom" Arrow at the bottom of the pop-up window
4(LeftArrow) "left" Arrow on the left side of the pop-up window


Set the horizontal alignment of the popup arrow. Default value is "center"

Constant: ArrowAlign

Types: int, string


int string Description
0(TopAlign/LeftAlign) "top" Top/left alignment
1(BottomAlign/RightAlign) "bottom" Bottom/right alignment
2(CenterAlign) "center" Center alignment


Set the offset of the popup arrow

Constant: ArrowOffset

Types: SizeUnit, SizeFunc, string, float, int

Internal type is SizeUnit, other types converted to it during assignment

See SizeUnit description for more details


content := rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Text:    "Description of the item",
    rui.Padding: rui.Em(1),

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Arrow:        "left",
    rui.ArrowAlign:   rui.CenterAlign,
    rui.ArrowOffset:  rui.Em(-1),
    rui.OutsideClose: true,



Set the size(length) of the popup arrow. Default value is 16px defined by @ruiArrowSize constant

Constant: ArrowSize

Types: SizeUnit, SizeFunc, string, float, int

Internal type is SizeUnit, other types converted to it during assignment

See SizeUnit description for more details


content := rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Text:    "Description of the item",
    rui.Padding: rui.Em(1),

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Arrow:        "left",
    rui.ArrowAlign:   rui.CenterAlign,
    rui.ArrowSize:    rui.Em(2),
    rui.ArrowOffset:  rui.Em(-1),
    rui.OutsideClose: true,



Set the width of the popup arrow. Default value is 16px defined by @ruiArrowWidth constant

Constant: ArrowWidth

Types: SizeUnit, SizeFunc, string, float, int

Internal type is SizeUnit, other types converted to it during assignment

See SizeUnit description for more details


content := rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Text:    "Description of the item",
    rui.Padding: rui.Em(1),

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Arrow:        "left",
    rui.ArrowAlign:   rui.CenterAlign,
    rui.ArrowWidth:   rui.Em(2),
    rui.ArrowOffset:  rui.Em(-1),
    rui.OutsideClose: true,



Buttons that will be placed at the bottom of the popup

Constant: Buttons

Types: PopupButton, []PopupButton

Internal type is []PopupButton, other types converted to it during assignment

See PopupButton description for more details

content := rui.NewListLayout(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Padding:     rui.Em(1),
    rui.Orientation: rui.TopDownOrientation,
    rui.ListRowGap:  rui.Em(1),
    rui.Content: []rui.View{
        rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
            rui.Text: "Name:",
        rui.NewEditView(session, rui.Params{}),
        rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
            rui.Text: "Surname:",
        rui.NewEditView(session, rui.Params{}),

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Title: "Create user",
    rui.Buttons: []rui.PopupButton{
        {Title: "Create", Type: rui.DefaultButton, OnClick: nil},
        {Title: "Cancel", Type: rui.CancelButton, OnClick: nil},



Set the horizontal alignment of popup buttons

Constant: ButtonsAlign

Types: int, string


int string Description
0(LeftAlign) "left" Left alignment
1(RightAlign) "right" Right alignment
2(CenterAlign) "center" Center alignment
3(StretchAlign) "stretch" Width alignment


Controls whether a close button can be added to the popup. Default value is false

Constant: CloseButton

Types: bool, int, string


bool int string Description
true 1 "true", "yes", "on", "1" Close button will be added to a title bar of a window
false 0 "false", "no", "off", "0" Popup without a close button


Horizontal alignment of the popup on the screen

Constant: HorizontalAlign

Types: int, string


int string Description
0(LeftAlign) "left" Left alignment
1(RightAlign) "right" Right alignment
2(CenterAlign) "center" Center alignment
3(StretchAlign) "stretch" Width alignment


Array of menu items

Constant: Items

Types: ListAdapter, []string

Internal type is ListAdapter internal implementation, other types converted to it during assignment


rui.ShowMenu(session, rui.Params{
    rui.PopupMenuResult: menuSelected,
    rui.Items: []string{
        "Menu 1",
        "Menu 2",
        "Menu 3",

return rui.NewView(session, rui.Params{})
func menuSelected(index int) {
    // Action goes here


Controls whether popup can be closed by clicking outside of the window. Default value is false

Constant: OutsideClose

Types: bool, int, string


bool int string Description
true 1 "true", "yes", "on", "1" Clicking outside the popup window will automatically call the Dismiss() method
false 0 "false", "no", "off", "0" Clicking outside the popup window has no effect

Set the function to be called when the menu item of popup menu is selected

Constant: PopupMenuResult

Types: func(int)


rui.ShowMenu(session, rui.Params{
    rui.PopupMenuResult: menuSelected,
    rui.Items: []string{
        "Menu 1",
        "Menu 2",
        "Menu 3",

return rui.NewView(session, rui.Params{})
func menuSelected(index int) {
    // Action goes here


Define the title

Constant: Title

Types: string


content := rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Padding: rui.Em(1),
    rui.Text:    "Some information",

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Title: "Information",
    rui.Buttons: []rui.PopupButton{
        {Title: "Dismiss", Type: rui.DefaultButton, OnClick: popupDismissedClicked},

func popupDismissedClicked(popup rui.Popup) {


Set popup title style. Default title style is "ruiPopupTitle"

Constant: TitleStyle

Types: string


Description of theme with style listed

theme {
    colors = _{
        ruiPopupTitleColor = #FF0000FF,
        ruiPopupTitleTextColor = #FFFFFFFF,
    colors:dark = _{
        ruiPopupTitleColor = #FF0000FF,
        ruiPopupTitleTextColor = #FFFFFFFF,
    styles [
        ruiPopupTitle {
            background-color = @ruiPopupTitleColor,
            text-color = @ruiPopupTitleTextColor,
            min-height = 24px,
content := rui.NewTextView(session, rui.Params{
    rui.Padding: rui.Em(1),
    rui.Text:    "Some information",

popup := rui.NewPopup(content, rui.Params{
    rui.Title:      "Information",
    rui.TitleStyle: "ruiPopupTitle",
    rui.Buttons: []rui.PopupButton{
        {Title: "Dismiss", Type: rui.DefaultButton, OnClick: popupDismissedClicked},

func popupDismissedClicked(popup rui.Popup) {


Vertical alignment of the popup on the screen

Constant: VerticalAlign

Types: int, string


int string Description
0(TopAlign) "top" Top alignment
1(BottomAlign) "bottom" Bottom alignment
2(CenterAlign) "center" Center alignment
3(StretchAlign) "stretch" Height alignment



Used to track the closing state of the Popup. It occurs after the Popup disappears from the screen

Constant: DismissEvent

General listener format:

func(popup rui.Popup)

where: * popup - Interface of a popup which generated this event

Allowed listener formats:


func ShowCancellableQuestion(title, text string, session Session, onYes func(), onNo func(), onCancel func())

Displays a message with the given title and text and three buttons "Yes", "No" and "Cancel". When the "Yes", "No" or "Cancel" button is pressed, the message is closed and the onYes, onNo or onCancel function (if it is not nil) is called, respectively

func ShowMenu(session Session, params Params) Popup

Displays the menu. Menu items are set using the "items" property. Set the function (format: func(int)) to be called when a menu item is selected

func ShowMessage(title, text string, session Session)

Displays the popup with the title given in the "title" argument and the message text given in the "text" argument.

func ShowQuestion(title, text string, session Session, onYes func(), onNo func())

Displays a message with the given title and text and two buttons "Yes" and "No". When the "Yes" button is clicked, the message is closed and the onYes function is called (if it is not nil). When the "No" button is pressed, the message is closed and the onNo function is called (if it is not nil)