
Interface to describe application theme

Create from source

func CreateThemeFromText(text string) (Theme, bool)

Creates a new theme from text and return its interface on success

func NewTheme(name string) Theme

Creates a new theme with specific name and return its interface

Interface description

Inherit methods from fmt.Stringer

Append(anotherTheme Theme)

Append theme to a list of themes

Color(tag string) (string, string)

Return normal and dark theme color constant value with specific tag

ColorTags() []string

Returns the list of all available color constants

Constant(tag string) (string, string)

Return normal and touch theme constant value with specific tag

ConstantTags() []string

Returns the list of all available constants

Image(tag string) (string, string)

Return normal and dark theme image constant value with specific tag

ImageConstantTags() []string

Returns the list of all available image constants

MediaStyle(tag string, params MediaStyleParams) ViewStyle

Returns media style which correspond to provided media style parameters

MediaStyles(tag string) []struct {
        Selectors string
        Params    MediaStyleParams

Return all media style settings which correspond to a style tag

Name() string

Return a name of the theme

RemoveStyle(tag string)

Removes style with provided tag

SetColor(tag, color, darkUIColor string)

Sets normal and dark theme color constant value with specific tag

SetConstant(tag string, value, touchUIValue string)

Sets a value for a constant

SetImage(tag, image, darkUIImage string)

Sets normal and dark theme image constant value with specific tag

SetMediaStyle(tag string, params MediaStyleParams, style ViewStyle)

Sets media style with provided media style parameters and a tag

SetStyle(tag string, style ViewStyle)

Sets style for a tag

Style(tag string) ViewStyle

Returns view style by its tag

StyleTags() []string

Returns all tags which describe a style